

说到保持健康的简单方法,散步是最流行的. 遵循这些建议开始学习更多关于健身步行的知识. 

你可以通过很多方式锻炼身体,但散步是最简单的方式之一! 对大多数人来说,它是安全的,容易坚持,低成本或零成本. 它不需要任何特殊的技能或设备. 对于这样一个简单的活动,它有很多好处.  


  • Think better, feel better and sleep better. 
  • 降低患心脏病等严重疾病的风险, stroke, diabetes and several types of cancer. 
  • 改善你的血压,血糖和血液 cholesterol levels.
  • Increase your energy and stamina.
  • 改善你的精神和情感健康,降低患抑郁症的风险.
  • Improve memory and reduce your risk of dementia.
  • 增强骨骼强度,降低患骨质疏松症的风险.
  • Prevent weight gain.

If 150 minutes sounds like a lot, remember that even short activity sessions can be added up over the week to reach this goal. 每天花几分钟散步是很容易的. 可以是在早餐、午餐和晚餐后快步走10分钟. 

Walking versus running

你知道美国人走路健身比跑步多吗? Maybe you’re not that into running. 或者你受伤了,不能再跑了. Then walk — every step counts. 快走和跑步一样有益于健康.

How to walk for fitness

  • Gear up. All you need to get started are comfortable clothes and supportive shoes. 多穿衣服保持凉爽,因为运动能提高体温. 为走路或跑步设计的鞋子是最好的,但不是必需的. 只要确保你最长的脚趾和鞋的末端之间有一点摆动的空间(大约半英寸). 不要穿棉质袜子,因为它们会保持水分,导致水泡. (Who knew?!) 

  • Easy does it. 如果你身材走样,从短距离开始. 从感觉舒服的散步开始(也许10-15分钟), and gradually increase your time or distance. If it’s easier on your body and your schedule, 坚持每天10到20分钟的散步,而不是一次长欧洲杯压球的散步.

  • Focus on form. Keep your head lifted (no texting!), abs engaged and shoulders relaxed. Swing your arms naturally. 避免携带重物或手重物,因为它们会给你的肘部和肩膀带来额外的压力——试试背包吧. Stick to a comfortable, natural stride. 

  • Breathe. 如果你走路时不能说话或喘不上气,那就慢下来. At first, forget about speed. Just get out there and walk! 

  • Pick up the pace. 为了热身,在开始的几分钟以轻松的速度行走. Then gradually increase your speed.

  • Add variety and challenge. Try brisk intervals. 例如,快走一个街区,慢走两个街区,重复几次. 随着欧洲杯压球的推移,你将能够增加更多的快速间歇和更短的恢复欧洲杯压球. 爬山或爬楼梯是增加肌肉力量和燃烧更多卡路里的好方法. 

  • Stretch. 步行结束时是伸展身体的好时机,因为你的身体已经热身了. 伸展你的腿筋、小腿、胸部、肩膀和背部. Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. 

  • Track your progress. 只要有可能,就把散步列入你的日程表. That may mean several short walks a day. 当你能适应的时候,更长的步行会帮助你提高你的耐力. 只要记住你的总体目标是每周至少150分钟.

Stay safe while walking

  • Be alert. 走路时听音乐可以帮助你保持精力充沛. 打电话是一种很好的多任务处理方式. 但是如果你使用耳机,把音量调低,并注意你可能听不到的交通. Don’t text or stare at your device while walking; keep your eyes on the road. 

  • Stand out. 穿浅色或反光的衣服,带上手电筒或荧光棒(这会增加乐趣)!) if you walk when visibility is low. 

  • Be street smart. Walking on sidewalks is best, but if you have to walk on the street, stick to streets with lower speed limits, and make sure drivers can see you.

  • Know the neighborhood. 注意当你走路的时候哪些商店是开门的,以及紧急电话的位置. 走在行人较多的街道上,而不是抄近路穿过小巷或停车场.

  • Listen to your body. If you have foot, knee, hip or back pain when walking, 停下来和你的医疗团队联系,找出原因. 你可能需要不同的鞋子或其他形式的活动,如骑自行车或水上运动. But don’t give up! Find the activity that’s right for you. 

Just walk

Maybe you haven’t been active for a while. No problem! Just get started. It’s not all or nothing; it’s step by step. 即使你已经很活跃了,这里有一些简单的方法可以让你每天多走几步: 

  • Grab the leash, and take the dog out for a walk. 
  • Forget about rock star parking. 把车停在离工作地点入口远一点的地方, school, grocery store, restaurants and other places you visit.
  • 走楼梯而不是电梯,即使只是一层或两层.
  • 绕着街区走一走,一边打电话一边和朋友聊聊天.

Walk to save lives

加入我们在您当地的心脏行走,以帮助支持我们的使命,成为一个持久的世界的不懈力量, healthier lives.