

重金属贝斯吉他手,心脏骤停幸存者萨尔·意大利诺. (图片由Italiano一家提供)
音乐家和心脏骤停幸存者萨尔·意大利亚诺. (图片由Italiano一家提供)

Heavy metal bass guitarist Sal Italiano spent the day at the casino with his wife, Christine, 还有她93岁的阿姨, then they all grabbed a bite to eat on the way back to the couple's home in Deerfield Beach, Florida.

萨尔在一个房间看电视,克里斯汀在床上看. 她打了个盹儿,当她感觉到他上了床时,她醒了一会儿.

等她醒了一会儿, the 68-year-old musician was sitting up with his eyes and mouth open. 克里斯汀推了他一下,又推了两次. 没有人回答,她抓住他的肩膀,摇晃着他. 她使劲摇晃他,他从床上摔了下来.

克里斯汀立即拨打了911. 布劳沃德县警长的调度员在第二响时接了电话. 他问萨尔是否还有呼吸. 意识到他不是,克里斯汀的情绪激增.

“请不要走到灯光下!" she screamed. "Stay with me!"

The dispatcher calmed Christine down and told her she needed to begin CPR. 她不知道该怎么做. 所以他告诉她该怎么做.

她把一只手的脚后跟放在他的胸膛中央, 另一只手放在上面,手指交叉. 当调度员和她计数时,她开始进行压缩. 欧洲杯压球一分一秒地过去了, 克里斯汀累了, 但在医护人员到来之前,肾上腺素一直支撑着她. Sal had to be resuscitated multiple times, including in his driveway.

At the hospital, doctors sent Sal to the cardiac catheterization lab so they could look inside his heart. 他们发现了三条动脉阻塞. 他需要做心脏直视手术. The cardiologist inserted a balloon pump to keep him alive until then.

Doctors wanted to perform a surgery that involves taking healthy blood vessels from a patient's legs or chest and using them to create a new path for blood to flow around a blocked artery. First, the surgeon needed to make sure Sal's brain was still functioning. No one knew how long he'd been without oxygen and now he was in an induced coma.

在接下来的两天里,他慢慢地摆脱了困境. 他的眼睛睁得大大的,但他没有眨眼,也没有握紧一只手.

On the third day, the medical team told Christine they would give Sal one more day. After everyone left the room, Christine spoke to Sal: "This is our last chance. If you're in there, you will have to show me – show them – that you hear me."



克里斯汀跑去提醒员工. 这是令人鼓舞的, but someone on the medical team had to witness Sal's response before they would sign off on surgery.

Sal Italiano(右)和他的妻子, Christine, who performed lifesaving CPR on Sal when he had a cardiac arrest in their home. (图片由Italiano一家提供)
Sal Italiano(右)和他的妻子, Christine, 萨尔在家里心脏骤停时是谁给他做的心肺复苏术. (图片由Italiano一家提供)

Later, a nurse who was checking Sal's vitals saw him close his eyes when Christine asked. Soon, 15 people flooded the room and broke into applause when Sal blinked on command.

Sal doesn't remember that day or his open-heart surgery or his cardiac arrest on Dec. 15, 2022. 当他醒来时,“感觉就像睡了一个好觉." He spent Christmas in the hospital and the couple celebrated belatedly on New Year's.

斯塔顿岛出生的贝斯手, whose decades-long career has taken him on world tours with heavy metal bands Cities and Anvil, 他的快速恢复归功于身体状况良好.

With long, curly black hair, 萨尔看起来像个摇椅, but he didn't have the stereotypical lifestyle of smoking and drinking. Instead, he was more like many people his age; he was taking medicine to control his blood pressure and cholesterol.

Sal Italiano has toured the world with heavy metal bands including Cities and Anvil. (图片由Italiano一家提供)
Sal Italiano has toured the world with heavy metal bands such as Cities and Anvil. (图片由Italiano一家提供)

在他心脏骤停前几周, 萨尔和朋友尼克·麦克布瑞恩在佛罗里达打球, 铁娘子乐队的鼓手, 还有“开膛手”蒂姆·欧文斯, KK的牧师乐队主唱.

Soon after getting home, he picked up his lightweight acoustic guitar. A physical therapist told Sal he kept "perfect time" while doing sets of alternate leg raises for two minutes.


在他恢复的过程中,萨尔想了很多关于心肺复苏术的事情. He's thankful to Christine for performing it and thankful for the dispatcher who walked her through it when his "metal heart" needed it most.

"We're all for 911 operators knowing CPR because that was the key to my survival," Sal said.

发自内心的故事 chronicles the inspiring journeys of heart disease and stroke survivors, caregivers and advocates.


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